A variety of proteas, leucospermum and leucadendrons are planted under irrigation on the farm. The flowers are covered with small bags during the blooming season to protect them from birds and inclement weather. The harvests of these magnificent plants are destined for the international and local market.
From the various flowers we grow the Discolor is our pride and joy! Leucadendron discolour is an ecotype to small area on the Piketberg mountain that include Tamarak farm. Over the past 20 years we were able to do selections from the veld and from these we could select cultivars like Lady Molly, Robust, Rita and Red tip providing flowers between August and November.

Protea Venus
Protea Venus is a chance crossing between P. aristate and P. repense. The plants carry their beautiful large dark pink flowers between April and August with the peak production toward the middle of June.

Protea Niobe
Niobe is a medium to big protea with a silver-green colour. It is a cross between P. magnifica and P. laurifolia and flowers from the beginning of April to the end of July with its peak production towards the end of May.

Protea Carnival
Protea Carnival is a medium-size protea with a soft pink colour. It flowers from the beginning of February to the end of April, with peak production towards the middle of March.

Leucospermum Goldie
Leucospermum Goldie is a yellow pincushion that flowers between October and the beginning of December.

Leucadendron discolor
The Discolors come in a variety of greens and yellows and flowers between August and November.